Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Snow Day... Again.

The weather hasn't improved much and all the ice that we had yesterday hasn't melted. So guess what... I'm stuck in my room with no school and not much else to do... again!!
I like this term because of the lack schedule and spare time, but frankly I don't know what to do with all this time and no pressure and stress to distract me. I have been stuck in the dorm for the entire weekend. And yes I've gone to the store, but that is the extent of my travels off campus. There is no place to go to just hangout with friends and have a deep conversation... there is no one to have a deep conversation with and to listen to me and me to listen to them. No guys to have fun with and nothing to do but watch TV and Movies. And I think I'm tired of doing that. I think I have seen more movies this term than I have in my entire life!!! I love movies, but sometimes they just put you in a depressing mood!!
I say I'm bored, but I know that there is lots of stuff that I could do. Lots of things that require a little more thought and maybe thoughts about things I don't want to think about right now. But stuff that I know that I have to take a look at soon or later, so why not now.. Well in some ways I'm a little scared to confront or think about thinks because I know that they require a response, an action, a change must take place or they will come up again. I have been reading through one of my old journals, it doesn't have but a few sporadic entries from many years ago, before I really started to journal, before I really started to walk with the Lord!! But it is just amazing to read some of the things in it. Some of the same stuff that I talked about then is still very relevant today. It is amazing to be reminded of the lessons that I learned so long ago, and have now become a big part of my life. I'm sorry that this is all so vague it's just that I haven't really thought through it much yet. There is no real situation that I am referring to, no real problem of sorts. Just stuff that has to be dealt with, between me and God. Last semester I could feel a big weight on my heart and I still feel it there now.
God is just going to have to keep working on me and reveal to me what he has for me and what he wants me to do.
Anyways, I'm a little depressed right now and all I want to do is go home, where I can be with my friends and hug them again, where I can be with my family and they can help me with stuff. I like being on my own, but it gets very lonely sometimes. I am an introvert and so I don't like too much interaction with people but I do need some and I like that to be in the quiet kind of way. Around here everything seems to go in a blur. Everybody is loud and crazy and I don't know how to deal with it.

Here it is:
I don't know who different actors are, I can't remember movie names, I don't really know who played what.
I don't know all these different singers names and the songs they sing or what the words are to them.
I don't know about all these popular books or items.
I don't know who's boyfriend did what and what's going on in our culture today.
I don't know about all this political stuff that's going on, I don't keep up with it all.
I don't know what's happening with all the sports teams.
And you know what, I DON"T CARE about all this stuff. I hate it when people ask me about something and when I say I don't know, they make it out to be a crime that I don't or that I'm nobody because I'm not up on what's going on in the world. I hate it when I do begin to care about these things. I have never been able to enter into conversations with friends about all these different things. They are so superficial to me. I grew up with out them and I don't see why I can't survive the rest of my life with out this junk either. Yes, I do think that the political stuff is important. But I also think its more important to know what you believe and not what the world or some politician believes. I will sit down and watch TV shows or movies that I like, and there have been a few that I really liked watching and try to keep up with. But it is not the end of the world if I miss an episode or don't see it for a while. I hate all these night time soap operas that are meant to entertain us, but really all they do is pervert us. There is so much Sex, Drugs, Divorce, and Scandal in the stuff that we watch, listen to, and idolize that politicians and people wonder why we have so much of these things in our lives and schools and marriages today!! I'm not here to preach and say that I know the answer to it all. I'm not saying that even I don't watch these things from time to time. But I hate it when people make TV and Music and Movies seem so important. And if anyone yells at me one more time for not having seen A Walk To Remember or for not having read the book I Am going to SCREAM!!! Yes it may be a good story, but get on with your lives people it's just a movie, it's not real!!! My roommate has an obsession with this thing and every time someone mentions it, in this obnoxious way she starts saying how great it is and then brings up that I haven't seen it!! Urrrgh... stop bring me up when you talk about things!@!!! Okay, I need to calm down. I think I'm going to watch it with her just to get her to shut up about it. I almost want to never see it just to spite her... but if I watch it I can give her a more informed opinion of it. And then truly say I don't like it! It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, Jesus Christ is the greatest thing since before sliced bread!!!
I'm just going to shut up now. I hate ranting and raving, but sometimes it's the only way to think and get out what you feel.

On a lighter note, outside still looks beautiful, all white and stuff. And I had a great time sledding with a bunch of friends yesterday. Anyways I'm going to go not cry because my roommate is in the room and I'm going to talk to God, the only one around here who can listen to me.

Sorry again for it being so rambly and junk.

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