God's Love Awareness Day
Winter term is almost over, just one week left and then I can go home for the long weekend. I'll get to celebrate my dad's Birthday with him and be with my family for Valentines day. And I'll get a chance to talk and hang out with my sister and also see some of my friends.
On the subject of Valentines day: It is thought of as a day for couples to celebrate there love for each other. A special day for a guy to shower gifts and love on his special girl, a time for him to take her out to a special dinner and to give her flowers. Pink and Red, colours of love, are seen every where this month. For those of us that are single it is often dreaded and called names like "lonely hearts day" or one that me and my friends in high school always called it was "singles awarness Day"
Every year my parents would give me and my sister something special, a little box of chocolates and a stuffed animal or something, and a card. They never forgot to share there love for us on this day. As nice a these gifts were it was still not as special as receiving these same things from a boy. But that's not necessarily the right response. You know what... Valentines Day isn't just for couples. It's for everybody. It is a day to show our love and God's love to those around us that we care about. Our friends and family need to know that we love them to. I would like to call this Valentines Day "God's love awarness Day" I think this is a pretty apropriate title. and definetly much better than couples day or something like that. Because ultimatly our first love shouldn't be some boy or even our husband(if you have one) But our First Love should be Jesus Christ!!! So shouldn't this day, like ever other, be all about him.
Whether you have a misserable day sulking, or a great day celebrating with someone, Valentines day is really a matter of our attitude and heart. It's a choice. We can choice to sulk because we don't get something or we can choose to give to others. and I have a feeling that the latter is probably a whole lot nicer!!
I'm saying all of this to myself as well as to others. God is Amazing and His love is greater than any love that we could ever experience on Earth. And he has been showing me a little bit of that and I can't wait for the day when I can experience all of his love all the time. So don't forget to celebrate "God's Love Day" !!!
(inspiration and awareness for these thoughts and revelations were provided by an article in the Feb. issue of Brio and Beyond. It's an amazing magazine, I highly recomend it!!)
Listening: WOW 2000 Disc 1
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