Saturday, January 17, 2004


I have added some new CD's to my collection recently and am greatly enjoying listening to them.
Jars of Clay's new one who are we instead

Enya Paint the Sky with Stars

and the soundtrack to The Lord of the Rings, The Return of The King.

All very good CD's, and a friend is going to let me burn their other Enya CD and another friend is going to let me burn the Norah Jones CD. I am very excited about these new additions. I still have a long wish list of music that I would someday like to own and pull out whenever I am in the mood to listen to it. Recently I have been looking at a site that has house plans. and might I say, gorgeous house plans. As stupid as this may sound that is something that I really enjoy, looking at dream homes. I have added this site to my favorites so you need to check it out. There are many things that I want when I get older, many dreams that I have.

What I want in my Dream house:
A large foyer with a dinning room and a living room/parlor off of it.
A large Kitchen with a window looking out on to a vegetable garden, and a large stove and double oven. An island in the middle and a bar with stools. A place to do lots of cooking. An a large pantry, and a butler's pantry leading to the dinning room.
A large grand stair case off of the entrance leading upstair with a banaster that you can slide down.
A large family room with a big hearth for all to enjoy.
As many bay windows and balcony's as you can get on a house.
A breakfast nook off of the kitchen with half of the seating being a window seat, and a bay window.
A piano niche off of the living room.
All french doors leading into every room.
A large laundry room, and storage room.
A garage with a work area/room.
A master bedroom with a seperate seating area and a large bathroom and whirlpool tub and two large walk in closets for Him and Her.
A home theatre room.
A game room filled with a pool table, ping-pong table and other game tables.
An excersise room.
A pool out back.
Lots of bedrooms for lots of kids and guests, each with a walk-in-closet and their own bathroom.
An apartment above the Garage.
A large long porch out back, covered, a place to enjoy nature.
Extended Gardens to spend the evenings walking through, full of paths and ponds and flowers, and mazes. A place to loose yourself in.
And most importantly, #1 on my list. A Library, two stories, with wall to wall and ceiling to floor shelves of old leather bound books, all the classics and new ones. A place to go and relax. Like the one in My fair Lady, with the second story, and a spiral staircase to get to the top. A large Mahogany desk and large stuffed leather chairs for sitting in. A private library that can only be gotten to through the master bedroom or a hidden door!! With one window seat looking out into the gardens.

This is my dream house as I see it in my mind. I know that I will never have this here on earth, my heart is set on serving Him here. But in heaven my dreams will come true, in the New Jeruselum this is where I will live. And my house will be filled with the love and laughter of friends and family and the singing of Angels shall be on the air at all times. Knowing that I can't have this now makes me long for it all the more. It gives me hope. The Father knows all my desires and dreams and he will bring them about. God has been teaching me many lessons about storing up my treasure in heaven, and that's what I want to do. But till I get there, I'm never going to stop dreaming.
By the way i have like a huge folder at home that is full of all kinds of house plans that me and my mom have cut out of Southern Living. She started when she was younger and now I'm doing it. I love it. And I don't care if you think that's wierd!!!

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