Lil Sis Big Sis
It's little sis big sis week here on campus. Since Converse doesn't have any sororities the have this Sister program instead. And the good thing it that everybody is involved and it establishes a sisterhood of sorts. The odd year classes are Red Devils and the even year Classes are Pink Panthers. So the juniors are out big sister class. It's alot of fun. there is this whole week of big sis/ lil sis fun. We don't know who our big sister is, but we get deliveries of tons of stuff from them through out the week and we have a bunch of mixers. Since there is more freshman than Juniors some of them have more than one lil sis. So we may have a twin or triplet out there. It's a whole lot of fun and guess what? it started yesterday night.
We got our first delivery of stuff from out big sis last night. They get there friends or other people to do all the running for them so we won't find out who they are. And it was so exciting to come back from work last night to find a tub full of stuff in my room. and my roommate Sarah is my twin. I got all kinds of stuff. I got my devil tail, and horns and a pitch fork and a big red pillow and a little teddy bear and a bunch of other stuff, all of it red. And supposedly this isn't all that we are going to get. We are also supposed to wear our tails and horns around all week. It's just a lot of fun and makes college a little bit cooler. I can't wait to find out who my big sis is. Everybody else seems to know except us. lol
Well on a less exciting note, school work seems to be getting harder. And I'm not sure if I can keep up with this new form of studying and doing work. The teachers don't seem to set specific outlines for stuff and they also don't remind us of things, we just some how have to know. Any ways, I going to go try to figure out what I need to do to not fail my tests tomorrow. hopefully I'll update more often, a lot has been going on, but I don't seem to have much time.
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