I'm Back... and much has changed.
So I haven't written on this blog in over a year really. A lot has happened in that time. A lot has changed in my life. For a while I actually forgot my password to this blog so I couldn't do anything with it. You may notice that I have changed the look a little. It is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts for me.
I have graduated from college finally and currently have no plans to do any further schooling, at least not for this next year. I have started the process of joining staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and will be doing an internship for this next year at their Headquarters here in Orlando. I am excited about this opportunity but a little scared of all the new things to come. This summer I have started raising my support for this internship and taken a huge trip. I was blessed by God with the amazing chance to travel with my parents to South Korea for a Historic Global Student Missions conference put on by CCC. CM2007!!! This conference and the experiences I was able to have there while serving with 150 international volunteers to help work the conference have changed and shaped my perspective on what the Lord is doing around the world! We live in an exciting time, so much more has been accomplished for the gospel in my generation than all those coming before. The fields are truly ripe for harvest and Jesus is calling forth his laborers to send out into the world. And I am raising my hand saying, "Send me Lord, Here am I." But what this will look like in my life, and where this will take me has yet to be seen. It is a journey that will bring more change, more adventure.
God has continued to keep me single for now. There are days when this is a struggle that causes me to run more to Him. There are other days though when I know his love more than ever and feel satisfied with whatever he has for me. It is still the desire of my heart and my prayer to Him that he, in his infinite timing and wisdom, would bring a man into my life. I strongly desire to be married one day and have a family. But most importantly I want to be able to serve in ministry who ever God has for me. Until that time comes though I need to learn ever more how to be satisfied with him alone and how to serve him well in my single days! Father I pray that I would be an instrument, a tool, in your hands, a willing servant, no matter where you have me or what you have me doing!
Please pray with me also that as I develop my team of ministry partners, both prayer and financial partners, that I would have a right perspective and that I would always trust God to provide what sometimes seems so impossible! He is more than I could ever dream for and all that my Heart and life truly desires and he has called me to share Him with those around me, those who do not know Him! How truly blessed am I.
Thank you for reading this, and may God truly touch your life as well and fill you with His love. As my new friend Tae puts it "I hope you live by faith every single day/// walk with his Promise… may His peace and wisdom be with You!!"
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