Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Back from London!

Wow has it been a wonderful month of January. Right now just seems like it all went by in a dream. I just spent 3 and a half weeks in London, England!! It was great. I was taking two classes and had the rest of the time to go and do anything I wanted around London. I still feel like I will have to go back again to see all of it. There was about 25 of us from my school that went and four of our professors. We had a rented lecture room that we had class in in the mornings and the rest of the time was free for sightseeing and everything. I had two roommates who are both friends and christians. We had fun going everywhere together. We got to go to both Oxford and Cambridge and we went to Windsor Castle. We saw the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace and saw Kinsington Palace and walked through several parks in London. Got to see the Peter Pan statue in Kinsington Gardens and walk along the Thames at night. It was so pretty, looking up at the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London all lit up. We went in the Tower of London and even got to go up to the top of Tower Bridge.
We spent so much time walking all over the place. I swear we walked about 6-7 miles a day. It was great. We even got to ride the Tube everywhere and ride the big red double decker buses too. We went for a couple of days up to Edinburgh, Scotland and got to see the Castle there and climb some craggs in the royal park. One day when we went out to Oxford we went to see one of the little Cotswold towns and it was soooo beautiful. I loved London and all but I would definitely want to live on a farm out in the country side. I have now determined that I am going to have to go live in England and marry a Duke or other Noble person and live on a country estate in the Cotswold with a small town nearby and lots of sheep!! We never made it over to the coast but that is something that will have to be done on my next visit!
I love traveling and seeing new places. It was really great because I new a lot of the historical significance of things because of my history classes that I have been taking. It feels a little weird to be back now. In about 2 hours from now I will be heading to my first class for the Spring Term. I'm excited because it is my first physics class. But I would much rather still be in London!! lol. I am glad to be back and see all my friends again.
Hopefully I will be putting some pictures up from my trip soon. I think I took like 200 pictures. lol I won't put them all up.


Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad that you had a great time in London. I would love to marry a Duke and live in one of those big housesand have tea (not the drink. Don't like that) every day!! Did you get to go to Paris? I told my family that you wanted to go over but I didn't hear anything about you being there. Next time. And if you go, I hope that I can be there and show you around.
I know how you feel. I miss Paris and France SO much and it's really strange to be back in such a young country after being in Europe.
I'm taking US History this quarter and it has really struck what a young country the US is. It's really wierd after learning European History. Anyway. I need to know my country's history too so it's just as important.
Well, I hope that Spring term treats you well. I've decided that I don't like Winter Quarter very much. It's too dreary and not fun. But I'm making the most of it. It'll be over soon. Please keep me in your prayers though. I'm doing fine but I still need lots of prayer. Do you have any requests?
Well, I'm meeting my friend, Annie, for lunch and then it's off to class.
Talk to you online soon and I'll see you over Spring Break.
Love ya,

Jessica said...

Hey Joy, Thank you for commenting. It has been so nice to talk to you online recently. I missed talking with you. I did not make it over to Paris, money being one of the reasons, and I never got it organized. I would have liked to have seen your family. I'll definitely have to come visit some time while you are there, that would be a blast. Well I have to go hit the books somemore. Pray for this physics class that I'm taking. It is going to be really tough and I'm having to relearn how to think about all of this stuff. I'll be praying for you too. Love ya girl