Wednesday, September 28, 2005
How easy it is to lose your "first love."
"We are warned in Revelation 2:4 about losing our 'first love.' We should guard against taking our love relationship for granted. The solution is given in Revelation 2:5 to 'remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.' " ~Nancy Wilson in First Love.
Saturday, September 03, 2005

"The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of." -Blaise Pascal
Reflected in the beauty of the sunset is the splendor of God! Every moment changing, each second a radiant display of colour and light that takes your breath away.
10 weeks spent immersed in the Love of God, surrounded by 77 others who glorify His name. Learning and teaching each other about His grace. Sharing together times that will change the course of your life. Being accountable and holding others accountable. Seeing the sunrise over the ocean and sunset over the river.
Having a blast and sharing the Love of God with others at the same time. Slicing meat, making beds, serving customers, saving lives, and cutting grass all for the Glory of God. Teaching Sunday School, being adopted by a church family, and growing together as you serve the community as the Body of Christ.
D-Group times, FD times, ministry teams that stretch you, going out to eat together, thrift store shopping, taking walks on the beach, playing soccer and volleyball together, dancing the night away in the most ridiculous outfits.
Family group dinners spent listening to Rick laugh at everything, except Sarah's jokes!
Learning to juggle time and allowing God to fill every aspect of your life, a lesson that will carry you for the rest of your life.
Endless hours spent sharing from your heart with close friends, praying together, singing together and learning together.
Going to work in the mornings (or afternoon's) and knowing that God is with you and that you are there to shine His light to the people you work with. Seeing them changed and their faces brighter because of the love that you share with them.
Going to a Nascar race, sitting on the SuperStretch, getting rained on, joining the betting pool for a dollar and getting number 19, who comes in 12th place, watching the best fireworks show of your life, and getting back at 3:30 in the morning when you have to be at church at 9am!
Prayer on the Beach at 6am, worship on the beach at 10pm.
Staff Scavanger Hunt at the Boardwalk!
Meeting and forming friendships with some of the most Godly and awesome guys you'll ever meet and seeing God work through them in powerful ways!
This and sooooo much more was my summer. The best summer of my life, one that I will never forget. Friendships that will always be dear to my heart and times that will continue to shape me for the rest of my life. God has showed me His love, His grace, His Joy, and His forgiveness this summer. He has revealed to me thru His Spirit his hand that is upon my life and has shown me how he has been with me and in my heart since I was 5 years old. He truly has never left me nor forsaken me. Even in my times of doubt, my times of rebellion and my times of brokenness He has been working in my heart. Molding me and teaching me, creating me into the Woman of God that He has made me to be. Everything that He has done in my life up until now, and everything that He continues to do has been preparing me to do the work that He has called me to, to be able to stand up for His name and spread His truth and grace to those around me whom He has placed in my path. I know this now and I am willing and prepared to answer this call!
My Summer!!! Daytona Beach Summer Project!!! I will never be the same again!!!
"The heart has its reasons that reason knows not of." -Blaise Pascal
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
It will all be over soon, whether I survive it in one piece or not. And then I'll have an awesome summer and God will refresh me, because I'm tired of where I'm at right now, and I don't want to stay here. It's just a little hard to see my way out at times.
God please hold my hand for a little bit longer... lift me up out of the mess I'm in... of the mess I've made of my heart and my soul... piece me back together again to serve your purposes and your Glory!!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Your True Birth Month Is January |
Loyal Social Logical Easily jealous Loves children Rather reserved Highly attentive Likes to criticize Needs close friends Ambitious and serious Smart, neat and organized Hardworking and productive Loves to teach and be taught Quiet unless excited or tensed Sensitive and has deep thoughts Knows how to make others happy Searches for the greatest romance Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds Romantic but has difficulties expressing love Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses |
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
God, where am I going? What will I be doing in the next ten years? What are my dreams? Will they come true? A long time ago I stopped seriously dreaming and wanting for myself because I wanted to follow your will for my life and not my own. But now I think I've lost the ability to dream, to look inside and feel what I wanted to do. I feel lost at times and question the path that I am on or the goal to which I am heading toward. Are what I'm saying I want and what I truly deep down want really the same. I trust that you have placed inside of me dreams and wishes that is part of your way of showing me your plan and will for my life. But I'm now to scared or far away to see them anymore. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of what my heart wants, of what it is trying to tell me. I catch a glimpse of the dreams and the passion. But it doesn't last long enough to put into words. I've lost or never had the ability to express this desire or Romance:
Philosophers call this Romance, this heart yearning set within us, the longing for transcendence; the desire to be part of something larger than ourselves, to be part of something out of the ordinary that is good. Transcendence is what we experience in a small but powerful way when our city's football team wins the big game against tremendous odds. The deepest part of our heart longs to be bound together in some heroic purpose with others of like mind and spirit. - The Sacred Romance
The heart yearning is there, the excitement at times is almost overwhelming. But I have just always suppressed it. It felt to funny at the time, I was to conscious of what others saw and thought, or I was afraid to express myself. And now I almost can't express myself. I'm out of practice, my mind just doesn't work that way, but my heart wants to sometimes.
In the midst of all of this questioning and wondering this quote holds another larger grain of truth that has greatly become a reality in my life recently. The desire and longing to be bound together with others of like mind and spirit of a heroic purpose. This I have found in the servant team of CRU ministry here. The girls in this group make up a unique and special group of people in my life and what makes it even better is that we are all working together toward the goal of reaching our campus for Christ and impacting this world. No goal or purpose is higher than this, and no matter how small or large my part in this is, it brings my heart joy and purpose and a dream that I have forgotten for a while. My mind has stuck to it and my mouth repeats it, but now my heart also joins with it. There are still so many unanswered questions and I will probably never have the answers to all of them.
But I choose to rest in the arms of the Lord and trust in his will and joy and grace and peace and blessings and unsurpassable wisdom.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
I got accepted to the Daytona Beach Summer Project!! I can't wait to get there. It is going to be so hard waiting and making it through the rest of the semester now!! hehe.
Other random happenings:
1. no one showed up for a tour during my duty time, so I got out of that early.
2. I didn't have a waffle for breakfast this morning.
3. I got sick of my room and rearranged it yesterday. It felt good and I like the new set up. I religiously do this at least twice a year. You know when you can't stand things anymore and you just need a little change. Something new; a new atmosphere.
4. I am now officially 6 papers behind in History, they are due March 30th, and by then I will have 8 due!!
5. My best friend Joy, who goes to OSU and is from Paris, whom I have not seen in over a year, is coming down for a weekend soon!!! I'm so excited.
6. I got accepted to be a Community Advisor for next year, so that means I'll have a single room!! I also get to come back to school early.
7. I got elected to be Honor Board Vice-Chair for next year! working my way up the chain here.
8. I love my physics class!!
9. I think I'm running out of things to say.
10. I have to go to class now! History of the New South!! Yippee (not really)
11. So have a good day everyone
Saturday, February 05, 2005
...not the ones in Scotland. I have now posted a bunch of pictures from my month in London that I hope give you a pretty good look at what it was like there. Like I said in my last post, we went everywhere, and I have way too many pictures to post them all so I tried to pick the best and most representative ones. I tried to put a couple up with me in them. We had a blast walking around everywhere. I hope you enjoy the slide show. Sorry it's so long. You'll probably have to look through a couple of pages to see them all. The are posted in the opposite order in which they were taken but it should all be cool. Enjoy!!