Friday, March 05, 2004

Hurray for History!!!

I haven't really been writing alot about whats going on with me lately. Part of it is that I haven't felt much like writing lately and part of it is that this semester has been really busy... atleast the first couple of weeks have been. This is only my 11th day of classes for my spring semester. And already a lot has happened and been going on. The weather here is really gorgeous right now. it's like 76 degrees out side and cool and sunny. Which is so crazy seeing as how just last week we go 8 inches of snow on thursday and had classes canceled for thursday and friday. Only in South Carolina can you be all bundled up playing in the snow one week and just 4 days later be walking around in shorts and flip-flops. But i must say that right now the weather is the best that it could ever be and I just want to run outside spread my blanket on the lawn and read a book. but I still have one class left till The weekend starts for me. Almost there!!!

Other fun and cool updates as to what's going on in my life:
1. I an running again for Honor board and will be the secretary for next year. Which is begining to scare me more and more as I realise and look at the responsibility and work that that is going to entail... But I can't wait and it should be tons of fun.

2. I have applied to be a CA for next year. i went through two interviews yesterday and I have another group interview on Sunday afternoon and I'll find out if I've been accepted and what my placement will be on Thursday next week. I'm really excited about this and really hope that I get a position. I feel really good about it right now too. It will mean a single room free of extra charges and extra money each month as well as just being a CA and having fun.

3. I'm getting more involved in the leadership of CRU here and will be going on a leadership conference the first weekend in april right before my spring break. It has been cool to get to know some of the other leaders and students at the different schools in Spartanburg.

4. I think I've finally figured out what I want to major in!!! I really enjoy learning about the past and history and about different people and events. I'm horrible at keeping up with current politics and events and whats going on right now. But I do like history. So I think I'm going to declare History as my major and still minor in Physics. And I should be able to get all of the classes that I need and stuff done in time to graduate on time!!! And the History department also makes a trip to England and London every other year during the winter term and I really want to go on this trip. So there you have it folks I have gone from Interior Design to Elementary Ed. to thinking about psychology to thinking about religion to finally deciding on History. I'm taking Mod. European Hist. right now and I really an enjoying the class and it is so interesting. and I absolutely adore the teacher. he is a post in and of itself. I shall have to tell you about him. Maybe at the end of this one.

5. oh and I've been wearing flip-flops for the past couple of days and my feet aren't used to them. I've never really worn them for long periods of time before. And has this ever happened to you? but they are wearing blisters of the sides of my feet. I am definitely going to have to wear them more often inorder to develop the calosis needed for extended summer wear!!

Well I think I've covered most of the major stuff going on right now. Let me tell you about my history professor!!! he is so cute! and not in the "oh he's good looking" kind of way. but in the "you can't just help but love him" kinda way. He is really old and kind of stutters when he talks and gets excited about things. And he makes history so much fun. The way he talkes about it in class makes it seem like story time. and he tries to make it interesting. He jokes sometimes with us and refers to himself as teacher. It is so cute. He'll say stuff like "not don't get mad at teacher" and one of my favorite quotes from the other day "it says in the handbook that I have 30 seconds to write something on the board after I say it, so don't rush me." And he has his manor in which he says it that makes it so funny. And he really knows his stuff so sometimes he'll give us Mid-week bonus info. just cool little facts and stuff about what we are learning. He is one of the reasons I want to major in History!! Now I have to go read a book for his class so I can write a book review on it for next week!! Interesting book though!! I got to pick it. "The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre" Fun stuff!!! (and I'm not being sarcastic... isn't that just plain dorky... oh well... I'm a dork!!)

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