Saturday, October 25, 2003

Fall Break is almost here!!!

Thats right folks, this week I only have classes on mon, tue, and wednesday. And then a lovely long needed long weekend and my mom is coming up to be with me. Even though I am having wisdom teeth surgery the first day I am still very much looking forward to it. And my mom gets to stay for a whole week.
Have I told you how much I love my mom? She is so cool and I miss her so much. Our family (or at least the girls in the family) is big into stamping cards and stuff. And my mom periodically sends me one of these gorgeous cards with a sweet note writen in it. As I'm sure you know, it is very excited to go to the mail room and as you turn the key to your mail box see an actually letter or card sticking out just waiting for you to take it back to your room and read it. It's like a tingling feeling just races up your spin when you see it sitting there. It means that someone cares, that someone took time out of their day to write to you. And when it's from you mom, all the other mail in the box just doesn't exsist. Being away from home has given me a better appreciation for who my parents are and the job that they had in raising me. And I am very proud to say that I think my parents did an excellent job and that I turned out all right!!
It's kind of funny now, but when I talk to my parents, it seems different. I still ask them lots of questions about stuff and what I should do, but they now also ask me things, like what they should do with my sister. She just got another boyfriend and is also learning to drive. All too scary. But it almost seems like we are now more on a level of best friends. We have always been friends but it is different when you live at home. I don't know quite how to explain it but it is a good thing. I understand more now where they are coming from when they do certain things, I realize more now the things that they do out of love for me even when it didn't seem like it at the time.
I thought I'd just share that little bit of revelation, brought on by getting another card and a box of cookies from home.
I have a project to go work on that is due Tuesday. I'll update more later about my plans for next weekend!!!

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